Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 14, 2011

Hey everyone,

I am now in Wrexham or Wrecsam, Wales. The first spelling is English and the Second spelling is Welsh but then that is probably the closest you will get in any of the words. They do not even look like words just puzzle pieces on the signs here. Luckily, most people still speak 95% English here. Most know Welsh and if they don't like you will start speaking Welsh to you haha.

My new companion is Elder Webb from Bristol, England. He is 1 of 6 children. Extremely good looking and about 5 lbs lighter since last Thursday because he was rushed to the A&E with a bursting appendix! haha. No kidding. We are going to be taking it nice and slow for the next week and a half by president's, doctor's and my orders. It will take some effort because he has a real desire to work. If you remember Elder Stubbs...Austrailian, He was trained by Elder Jager from Germany and I follow up trained him. Well Elder Webb was trained by Elder Jager too and I am follow up training him. But he is ready and prepared so my job is basically done. We have got along great so far.

Anyways, Wales is beautiful. I did not think I was going to miss Ashton 1st as much as I do, but I guess that comes with PMG chp 6. I felt a little bit of a twinge. I am now not looking forward to any bittersweet moment of Manchester Airport...NOT GOOD! The other side of the mountain is very steep and it seems to go faster!

We will try and be as diligent as we can for the next 2 weeks while being stuck inside almost...LOVE YOU ALL!

Elder Blackburn

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