Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26, 2011

Hello Family,

This was a good week. I didn't really spend any of it with my companion. We were on two exchanges and last week we were on 1. But the honeymoon period doesn't last long because he is still getting use to taking correction well and I don't sugar coat it. No, not even for a trainee. I am nice, don't worry, but I am still me and I am a blunt person when I am in need of accomplishing important things. People should just not do stupid things. We all make mistakes but it should really only be a one time thing.
Here are some of my big one time mistakes this week.
1. I lost the phone.
2. I ripped the stick/valve part off of our bike innertube when I should have just taken out the valve. ( LACK OF DETAILS PEOPLE! DON'T LAUGHT!) haha
3. ummm no, just 2 for that bit lol!

But yes, we are picking up our new phone today. We found 5 more new investigators and the Bulgarian ones from last week have already read about 70 pages of the Book of Mormon so we are really really excited! Danny is great. Just need them to not go to work on Sunday and I am pretty sure they would progress to baptism in 2 weeks or less but we all have our Faith testers or else we wouldn't need Faith.

This week is Training camp (for new missionaries) and then next week is Transfers so you won't hear from me until Thursday and I may have a new address but doubtfully...

I love you all,

Lilly is cute,

Elder Blackburn

General Conference—No Ordinary Blessing
By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Second Counselor in the First Presidency

We all know how hard it is to remember every message of general conference, and I’m confident that we need not be embarrassed if we don’t remember everything. Nevertheless, there are messages in each general conference given as a gift and a blessing from heaven specifically for our personal life situations.

In preparation for general conference, let me suggest three basic concepts that may help us to better receive, remember, and apply the words spoken by the Lord’s servants.

1. Members of the Church are entitled to personal revelation as they listen to and study the inspired words spoken at general conference.
2. Don’t discount a message merely because it sounds familiar.
3. The words spoken at general conference should be a compass that points the way for us during the coming months.

Ponder the questions you have and write them down. No need to tell others unless it is a group question and seriously pray about the answer starting today and so on until you receive it all. Then listen intently for the answer as the Lord's chosen servants serve it to you in a silver platter. You just have to lift the lid. He loves you. He KNOWS you. He will answer you in the ways he has provided for us in these the latter days.

I love you all,
Elder Blackburn

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