Saturday, December 25, 2010

Week 14

23 August 2010

Hey Everyone!

How are you doing!? Dana is the only one that emails...sorta pathetic...HELLOOOOO. How was Tanner's Birthday?! Hope he liked his present (and I hope they aren't too see through...I was worried about that). Moving on! I sent some pictures to Dana and she can forward you them. They are some of Dave Connie (crazy black man who is a member but believes in the Trinity), Bro. Barclay (who is battling cancer and our ward mission leader AMAZING), Sandeep (he is the terrorist looking fella next to Dave =P), Sammie part duex (Geoff's second dog, the first one died about 6 weeks ago and he got another one, but it is an evil teenage dog) Elder Holman and Elder Green finding in a park before Interviews and Training, Elder Peterson who I hope writes Dana because he is amazing...He went home on Wednesday =[. There are plenty of others, but those are some!

I have been studying out of the New Testament and I started with what Bob told me to do by reading Acts and then the Gospels first...Not sure why besides the fact that he wanted me to Tarantino(sp?) it but I did it. I am in Matthew right now and I am really seeing how where Christ says in the Book of Mormon "Never have I seen such exceeding Faith amongst all the Jews" because SHEESH they were DUMB. They just did NOT get it. They had Faith enough to be healed and thats about it. Even the Apostles lacked in it a lot. Just have Faith that God can do whatever he wants and he wont let us fall if we do believe and have Faith. Sure trials happen, LEARN from it. Look for what you are supposed to learn from it and if you aren't learning anything from it, don't expect anything to change!

Too many people blame God for bad things that are happening, because he doesn't talk back. People are just plain lazy and its annoying. We love them to death and offer everything we have, but we cant make em drink...

Oh ya, Elder Merl is great. He is from Austria and I appreciate having a friendly companion more now than ever compared to...well compared to past experiences...Other notes of interest I guess, Elder Stringham is now my District Leader and he is training someone else. There are the 4 of us here in Bolton but we live seperately. All I know, is that I am going to really enjoy being back with him again. I already have for church. The ward was REALLYREALLY small this week due to families on Holiday but there were only about 45 people there. There is normally 60? maybe...I dunno. There are about 500 less actives in this area so just like Stoke. The church is HUGE in England numbers wise...but activity could probably just be Indianapolis North Stake for our whole mission. Its pretty sad... Alma 31:32-35--->I Think I picked a good mission scripture for myself here in England...It fits completely...

I love you all very much! Update me on your lives! Tanner-haven't heard anything from you in 3 months!? =[ Happy Birthday Grown Up.
I forget Anna's email address but forward this to her...Annabanana22?? Something. I forget. Sorry!

Elder Blackburn

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